Thursday, April 21, 2005

Walking on the dark side

I've been walking on the dark side these past few days... Unfamiliar territory for me, since I consider myself a regular walker on the lighter side... Sin embargo, these last few days... I can feel the dust around me... Like a cloud encircling me, darkening my thoughts, my mind, my heart, my all.
Watching my surroundings with these dark, dark thoughts is not only surprising but perturbing as well. I have tried to reach my lighter thoughts but they have become somehow unavailable, so I have decided to let myself walk the walk I have to walk these days.

Its just that I don't like seeing things these way. It makes me Self Indulgent.
Discovering all these flaws around me, so close to me... Makes me so aware of my own flaws and my own virtue its really overwhelming. It gives me the opportunity to see things for what they are, not what I hope them to be. Makes you real. Makes me real. Lets me dilate and constrict myself simultaneously.
The more precise I become, the more power I have.
The more power I have, the less consciousness I have...
and then again, perhaps this is just...
Una version de la locura

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